Friday, November 28, 2008

1st cake

Thank you so much; winishe, andy, mikha, jackson & wen.
Appreciate you guys for such efforts & thoughts, knowing that you guys are flying home in December. Good surprise. Gbu =p

Thursday, November 20, 2008

November Rain

Recently it has been raining and windy. It is no longer sunny as much compared to the previous week and thank God for that. Without knowing why, it is very pleasing to fit myself in this kind of weather. It suits my mood at the moment and undenyingly ideal for many solitary moments. I just love the rain and enjoy it so much. Also, going to bed for a good night sleep has become something to look forward to. It is simply nice to sleep, accompanied by the sounds of soft dripping rain. Though many times weird dreams occurred these days. Maybe that's what you would get from the unconscious mind; the incomprehensible, which keep on whispering at night when you couldn't comprehend the reality in the awaken state, just like the mysteries within the rainy seasons. But whatever it is, everything is worthwhile. Knowing that I am not alone, I could still walk on with a smile on a face. Surely the light will always shine.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Lagi feeling blue banget.. jadinya isenk ambil dari bulletin Fs.

1. Brapa umur lo?
- 23.. sisa sebulan terakhir.
2. Minum air ga???
-ga minum mati lar
3. Kalo weekend sukanya ngapain aja?
- relax, pergi ama teman2, enjoy deh.
4. Suka duit?
- suka tapi ga cinta.
5. kalo dikasih duit mau ga?
- Terima kasih.
6. Suka binatang apa?
- Kucing, anjing, ikan, rubah, serigala, burung hantu.
7. Suka ngapain aja kalo lagi banyak duit?
- saving, beli barang kasi teman.
8. Temen2 manggil loe apa?
- Jes? Jessi? jessica? apa lagi?
9. Kalo lagi gak punya uang biasanya ngapain?
- hm.. menghemat
10. Kalo masak, sukanya masak makanan apa?
- Depends on my mood ya. French, Japanese, own creation.
11. Suka buah apa?
- plum, honeydew, apel, etc
12. Kalo nonton, sukanya film yang gimana?
- yang ada high standardnya. biasa suka drama sih.
13. Suka olahraga apa?
- badminton.
14. Suka jutek ga kmu?
- tanya deh ama staff ku. Banyak yg bilang gw scary.. sad sia.
15. Suka ngapain aja kalo lagi sedih?
- Diam. Cari hiburan. kalo ga tahan biasanya nangis.
16. kalo sarapan suka makan apa??
- omelette & Mc D
17. Kalo ulang tahun sukanya di kasih kado apa?
- wah. depend from who ya. heuheue. yang lasting impressionnya.
18. Acara TV yang terakhir loe liat?
- ga suka nonton tv
19. Lagu terakhir yang loe denger?
- Mahler, the Song of the Earth. (German Art Song)
20. Omongan terakhir ke orang tua loe?
- iya..
22. Hal terakhir yang loe katakan ke 1 teman loe?
- bye bye. c u.
23. Terakhir kali baca?
- kemarin
24. Orang terakhir yang tau rahasia loe?
- of course my closest girl friend.
25. Orang terakhir yang loe telp?
- hm..Ga penting.
26. Orang terakhir yang ngasih loe testi?
- my dear friend livia.
27. Kamu nyadar ga kalo ada orang yang suka ama kamu?
- mana gw tau. Ga ada yg suka kali.
28. Kamu pernah nangis gara-gara film?
- sering
29. Kamu termasuk orang yang males?
- hm.. i dont think so.
30. Menurut kamu gmn kalo dalam kesendirian?
- no prob. gw sudah biasa endure loneliness.
31. Kartun yang terakhir ditonton?
- lady and the Tramp
32. Apa yang ada dipikiran kamu sekarang?
- hm.. seandainya...
33. Buku apa yg lagi lo baca akhir2 ini?
- novel, AncientFuture by Traci Hardings.
34. Siapa yang paling sering telp lo akhir2 ini?
- Ha ha ha . No one.
35. Bagusan mana Nokia ato Sony Ericsson?
- biasa pake Sony Ericsson.
36. Pernah pacaran jarak jauh?
- perna. 10 thn lalu. dan 1 bulan doank.
37. Apa yg bangunin lo pagi ini?
38. Apa yg pengen lo sampein ma seseorang?
- hm. Ada. private. mau tau aja.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Trust to Keep

A girl friend of mine, whom I meet almost on daily basis shared to me about her personal problems yesterday for the first time. I have known her for 5 months, been learning to get to know her, get to understand her, and learn a lot how to cooperate with her, but it was like the first time that she opened up to me. Often in this case, you will have a new perspective towards that person. Someone told me once that it was a priviledge.

It is not easy to carry secrets. It is always not easy to be faithful. I did failed before and I couldn't get rid of that memories, even thought it had been a decade. Since then, whenever a trust is given, it would be another try. It also meant as another chance to play a role of a good steward. Besides, everytime you knew more about a person's personal stuff, and it doesn't matter you are important or not to the person, then... you will know how much this person values.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hello Little Snail !

I found this little snail accidentally, sticking on the Milo. Then I made a little house. Could the little snail survive for another day? We 'll know tomorow. hehehe.

Le Renard et les Poulets D'inde

The last time I did painting seriously was in 2003. Glad that I still can do it ^^


Went to Marleen's house and played with the cats. I really love cats... Wish i could have one =(