Friday, December 26, 2008

Wonderful Christmas

A time to remember the Saviour's birth.
A time for celebration, a time for thanksgiving.
A time of giving, a time of blessing and sharing.
A time for gathering, together with all the loves one.
Let's we cherish whatever we have and be grateful for all.
God bless ~ Merry Christmas 2008~

N.B.One of the best versions of 'O Holy Night'. Awesome performance, especially in the climax.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Dinner

Date: 9th December 2008, Tuesday.
Event: Don don Christmas Dinner.
Venue: The Italian

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Starting of December

Feeling very pleased as I woke up on Saturday morning. At last I have private time of my own. The very first week of December, I could say, a new beginning for another level of my working life; working as a full-timer. I still work at the current restaurant that I am working, it is just a harder level to go through.

I was being transferred to the main branch at the city and it was expected that I learnt to adapt and cooperate with the system there. My first day on the 1st December, Monday, was the most difficult. Being scolded, pushed away and alienated caused me to feel pressurised. Yup, it made me feel discouraged and i almost cried during busy peak hours. At night I couldn't sleep and felt very sad..thinking of how I had to overcome this. I missed Don3 so much at the moment. Yet i kept telling myself, I had to be strong and everything will be all right.

However, thank God that I didn't feel alone. After I finished work that day, Marleen brought me to eat ice-cream and then Robert called me and asked how was it. Therefore, I just couldn't help it but cried for a while.. it was a relief, though made me looked so weak. Later on that day, I met Mindy and Alan, and it gave me another encouragement, as they are my seniors whom have gone through successfully what I just started. On the way home, I saw the moon and two planets; Venus and Jupiter. It was beautiful. I felt that the Creator of this view was telling me to remember, 'I am always there for you.'

Indeed, few days later I started to get used to the work. Even, I felt grateful to be able to work well with the manager there. It was not easy to work with him, but, I could see his good side, and quite pleased to feel his acceptance towards me as working partners.Also, I received feedback from him and I was very thankful for the compliment. Things that I felt intimidated turned out to be challenges that I looked forward for the moment.

On the last day after I successfully gone throughout the whole week I went to Don3 just to visit. Surprisingly, my visit was expected for my colleagues there. Felt so grateful to have the bond with them. At night we went to German Dining and had a merry time together. Aware that, things in this world is temporal, opportunity and chance of being together are precious. December will be a good month, perhaps the best of the year.

Friday, November 28, 2008

1st cake

Thank you so much; winishe, andy, mikha, jackson & wen.
Appreciate you guys for such efforts & thoughts, knowing that you guys are flying home in December. Good surprise. Gbu =p

Thursday, November 20, 2008

November Rain

Recently it has been raining and windy. It is no longer sunny as much compared to the previous week and thank God for that. Without knowing why, it is very pleasing to fit myself in this kind of weather. It suits my mood at the moment and undenyingly ideal for many solitary moments. I just love the rain and enjoy it so much. Also, going to bed for a good night sleep has become something to look forward to. It is simply nice to sleep, accompanied by the sounds of soft dripping rain. Though many times weird dreams occurred these days. Maybe that's what you would get from the unconscious mind; the incomprehensible, which keep on whispering at night when you couldn't comprehend the reality in the awaken state, just like the mysteries within the rainy seasons. But whatever it is, everything is worthwhile. Knowing that I am not alone, I could still walk on with a smile on a face. Surely the light will always shine.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Lagi feeling blue banget.. jadinya isenk ambil dari bulletin Fs.

1. Brapa umur lo?
- 23.. sisa sebulan terakhir.
2. Minum air ga???
-ga minum mati lar
3. Kalo weekend sukanya ngapain aja?
- relax, pergi ama teman2, enjoy deh.
4. Suka duit?
- suka tapi ga cinta.
5. kalo dikasih duit mau ga?
- Terima kasih.
6. Suka binatang apa?
- Kucing, anjing, ikan, rubah, serigala, burung hantu.
7. Suka ngapain aja kalo lagi banyak duit?
- saving, beli barang kasi teman.
8. Temen2 manggil loe apa?
- Jes? Jessi? jessica? apa lagi?
9. Kalo lagi gak punya uang biasanya ngapain?
- hm.. menghemat
10. Kalo masak, sukanya masak makanan apa?
- Depends on my mood ya. French, Japanese, own creation.
11. Suka buah apa?
- plum, honeydew, apel, etc
12. Kalo nonton, sukanya film yang gimana?
- yang ada high standardnya. biasa suka drama sih.
13. Suka olahraga apa?
- badminton.
14. Suka jutek ga kmu?
- tanya deh ama staff ku. Banyak yg bilang gw scary.. sad sia.
15. Suka ngapain aja kalo lagi sedih?
- Diam. Cari hiburan. kalo ga tahan biasanya nangis.
16. kalo sarapan suka makan apa??
- omelette & Mc D
17. Kalo ulang tahun sukanya di kasih kado apa?
- wah. depend from who ya. heuheue. yang lasting impressionnya.
18. Acara TV yang terakhir loe liat?
- ga suka nonton tv
19. Lagu terakhir yang loe denger?
- Mahler, the Song of the Earth. (German Art Song)
20. Omongan terakhir ke orang tua loe?
- iya..
22. Hal terakhir yang loe katakan ke 1 teman loe?
- bye bye. c u.
23. Terakhir kali baca?
- kemarin
24. Orang terakhir yang tau rahasia loe?
- of course my closest girl friend.
25. Orang terakhir yang loe telp?
- hm..Ga penting.
26. Orang terakhir yang ngasih loe testi?
- my dear friend livia.
27. Kamu nyadar ga kalo ada orang yang suka ama kamu?
- mana gw tau. Ga ada yg suka kali.
28. Kamu pernah nangis gara-gara film?
- sering
29. Kamu termasuk orang yang males?
- hm.. i dont think so.
30. Menurut kamu gmn kalo dalam kesendirian?
- no prob. gw sudah biasa endure loneliness.
31. Kartun yang terakhir ditonton?
- lady and the Tramp
32. Apa yang ada dipikiran kamu sekarang?
- hm.. seandainya...
33. Buku apa yg lagi lo baca akhir2 ini?
- novel, AncientFuture by Traci Hardings.
34. Siapa yang paling sering telp lo akhir2 ini?
- Ha ha ha . No one.
35. Bagusan mana Nokia ato Sony Ericsson?
- biasa pake Sony Ericsson.
36. Pernah pacaran jarak jauh?
- perna. 10 thn lalu. dan 1 bulan doank.
37. Apa yg bangunin lo pagi ini?
38. Apa yg pengen lo sampein ma seseorang?
- hm. Ada. private. mau tau aja.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Trust to Keep

A girl friend of mine, whom I meet almost on daily basis shared to me about her personal problems yesterday for the first time. I have known her for 5 months, been learning to get to know her, get to understand her, and learn a lot how to cooperate with her, but it was like the first time that she opened up to me. Often in this case, you will have a new perspective towards that person. Someone told me once that it was a priviledge.

It is not easy to carry secrets. It is always not easy to be faithful. I did failed before and I couldn't get rid of that memories, even thought it had been a decade. Since then, whenever a trust is given, it would be another try. It also meant as another chance to play a role of a good steward. Besides, everytime you knew more about a person's personal stuff, and it doesn't matter you are important or not to the person, then... you will know how much this person values.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hello Little Snail !

I found this little snail accidentally, sticking on the Milo. Then I made a little house. Could the little snail survive for another day? We 'll know tomorow. hehehe.

Le Renard et les Poulets D'inde

The last time I did painting seriously was in 2003. Glad that I still can do it ^^


Went to Marleen's house and played with the cats. I really love cats... Wish i could have one =(

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Go Light Your World

I am working with this song for next month's choir project ^^

Chopin's Ballade No. 3 in A-flat major, Op. 47

It is not that easy to motivate myself to practise piano nowadays. My life as a music student seems like a long-lost-past. Yet, there 's one day when this particular Ballade came to my mind.. and it has been ages since I play a serious repertoire. Personally I found this ballade easy to listen to, though considered medium-hard in level of difficulty. Most of the time I prefer to play in minor keys, however this particular ballade is attractive on its own matters. Overall it starts of very much of classical music, then the second part sounds amiable and delicate, with certain inspiring parts, which sounds very lovely to me. The transition section before the ending contains certain drama and melancholy and it ends with a grand triumph.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

In the Closet

Enclosed within the wall, there she was.
Juxtaposition between the obvious truth, against
the charming purplish-marron, the hidden mysteries.
"Mirror mirror on the wall", reflection caught in a flick.
Expression shown.. Was it happiness or sadness ?
Remember that the eyes would tell the truth, it never lied.
Door on the side, a sign of another path. It was a matter of choice.
How should the key be used? Only wisdom would knew. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008


a girl knocked on me accidentally, I just kept quiet..
at work, I hardly ever scold people anymore..i am learning still..
a person mistreated me few weeks ago, and I could still smile..
when no one understand, when no one stand beside me, it is okay...

Everyone has problems to deal with. Everyone makes mistakes. Situations always happened beyond our control and sometimes, you just don't know how to explain it. Above all, patience is the key. Or else, we can't be a channel of blessing. Realising that tempatations become harder as I grow in faith, there is not a single moment which allow me to give up. Things happen for a reason and it is not my strength that keeps me going. For I trust and always hope. Love is patience. (1 Cor 13:4)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Harapan Dalam Kehidupan

Bangun sebelum jam 8, tidur sesudah jam 12an..Monday to Sunday sang waktu terus berjalan tanpa menunggu. Sekarang sudah Oktober, bentar lagi thn 2009. Haih.. Kerja yah, ok ok saja. Masih ada passion, masih senang, masih suka dengan responsibilities yang ada. Managerku bae, teman2 kerja da kaya saudara sendiri, terus org2 baru juga lucu-lucu, walau kadang bikin naik darah. Sekarang sih, kalo ada masalah di tempat kerja, da bisa lebih calm..da lebih sabar.. da ga dikontrol emosi seperti dulu. Istilahnya lebih banyak berpikir bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah daripada stres tidak menentu. Selain kerja? ngapain? yah.. Kadang ada meeting, kadang ada activity yang mesti dilakuin..Kadang bosen, ga tau mau ngapain.. tapi juga bisa enjoy sendiri sih.. yah.. gitu2 lar minggu demi minggu berlalu..

Begitulah kehidupanku sekarang. Kelihatannya membosenkan dan gitu2 aja. Tapi setiap hari ada pelajaran baru dan masalah yang harus dihadapi. Akhir2 ini sih lumayan stabil. Da ga terlalu bete gitu lagi, ato pusing. Well, tapi ada aja hal hal yang bikin membingungkan.. kadang tuh sampe bikin ga tau mau gimana gitu. Yah.. tabah2 aja, mau gimana lagi? Jalanin aja deh..

Akhir 2 ini banyak juga teman2 yang lagi bingung, banyak masalah, stress.. emang itu part of life. Bedanya gimana kamu mesti hadapin aja. Semakin rumit masalah yang dihadapin, semakin bertumbuh dewasa juga seorang individu, asalkan dianya berani mengambil langkah yang benar. Ada yang takut dan bertanya, bisa ga ya saya berubah? Kadang org bilang, ga mungkin deh.. impossible.. Eh.. siapa tau? Mujizat itu masih nyata lor... Di hidup gw, tahun ini bagiku tuh tahun yang cukup berat. Senangnya banyak banget, pusinknya lebih luar biasa banyaknya..Untungnya ada pegangan dalam hidup. Dan itulah yang bikin saya terus maju, pantang mundur. Kalo ga mah, gw da depresi kali.. da stress..terus bikin org sekitar pusink.. ngapain begini ? Yah.. sedih boleh, nangis boleh.. tapi jangan terus2an gitu donk.. Lu disakiti, gw juga disakiti. Cuman buat apa kita dendam? Kalo disakiti, yah sudah maafin.. ga ada gunanya marah2 terus dan membenci.. bikin kacau dunia aja.. Namanya juga setiap org perna bikin salah. Yah, kalo merasa bersalah, belajar berubah, kalo pengen hidup lebih baik, coba berubah dan cari jalan yang lain. Kalo ga dicoba, gimana tau? Jalan itu banyak, tapi apakah jalan yang dipilih itu bener? Mangnya ini hidup yang lu benar2 mau?

Bagiku, di dunia ini harapan dan pegangan itu ga bisa didapatkan dimana-mana, selain di dalam kasih Bapa. Soalnya yang tau jalan hidup kita cuman Dia seorang. Yang bisa terima kita, sekotor apapun kita, sebanyak apapun dosa kita, cuman Bapa saja yang sanggup.. masalahnya kita berani ngaku ga ? berserahlah.....toh yang tau semua jawaban cuman Bapa seorang. Di sisi lain, ada orang bilang, 'Daripada sakit, mending tinggalin masalah aja, mending cari kesenangan'.. hal ini banyak diterapkan orang dalam pelarian, karena ga tau mau kemana, ga tau mau gimana, ga puas gitu lor.. tapi yah, mendingan tau kebenaran, daripada hidup dalam dusta. Masalahnya orang mau percaya ga? Gw sendiri juga pernah hadapin jalan buntu, ga tau gimana dan bener2 lemah. Untungnya ngerti kalo dengan kekuatanku sendiri, ga bakal bisa, karena manusia itu dasarnya lemah. Tapi dengan iman, kan percaya kalo "Segala sesuatu di dalam Tuhan itu tidak ada yang mustahil." Dengan begitu, hidup jadi penuh pengharapan. Yang penting, mau buka hati. KArena didalam hati, terpancar kehidupan. Kalo hatinya ga mau? mana bisa maju-maju.. bakal terus2 aja di roda kaya tikus hamster. Mikir deh, hidup ini cuman sekali saja. Masa ga mau do your best? Kalo berani percaya, doa itu besar kuasanya dan iman sanggup mengubah segala hal. Kesimpulannya, kebenaran itu ada, kasih itu nyata, pengampunan itu ada dan hidup kekal itu bukan fantasi, asalkan seseorang berani menghadapi jati diri sendiri, mau bertobat, tidak putus asa, menerima kebenaran dan meraihnya.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Forgotten Dream and my P.O.V.(point of view) towards Academic Life

Half-way during conversation with my manager during busy peak hours, I remembered my forgotten ambition which used to be my dream 10 years ago. At that moment, I studied my secondary school in Singapore. Whenever someone asked me what degree I wanted to pursue in mind.. I would say: Law. Yeah right.. No bluff here, it was true. I wanted to study law ever since I understand there is a profession called: Lawyer. And I really have only one that particular dream in mind during my 3 years of scholing in Singapore. Also, I always think that lawyers are cool. They represent the people, they believe in justice, they are smart, sophisticated, well-dressed, eloquent, rich, reputable, simply said, they got 'style'. Everytime I watched lawyers on tv or movie, I always get excited. Have you read John Grisham? Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mocking Bird? " These books are. When I was 14 I went to library and started reading about "Introduction to Law Education".. hard one to read... In the end.. it was just an unreachable dream.

Reasons & Factors involved: Firstly,  I told myself I would give up on pursuing law in the future if I didn't get an A for my English during my O Level in 2002. Sadly, .I only got a B. Then? why not tried it again during VCE year? The answer is, I am not 'smart' enough. You need at least 98 score to enter the law faculty and mine was no where near at all. Moreover, yes.. I love to read, I used to be a hardcore 'bookworm'. I love books, I like to write (as you can obviously see...) but it is just not good enough. 

Secondly,  when it comes to..Personality, surely, I would be the first one to get kick out of the bar.. Yes, I have a very strong choleric temperament, independent, stubborn and seriousness within. However, I am not good a good speaker. I scared of stage, I don't really talk to stranger, K.O. during debates, and never give speech in my entire life. I can talk, but in small group, not a big one, and not pursuasive at all. I can only..give orders and motivate people in my kitchen....How would it be possible for me to win the heart of 12 juries in the courtroom? Forget about it.

As well, my emotions becomes a weakness itself. Robert said, i would surely cry in the courtroom and would be very subjective when comes to relations. Though, he said, if i were entitled Bachelor of Law now, it would be very interesting.... said that my employer would have great advantage for his business. And some colleagues would consult me on how to get his assests.. Ckck..Well, back to the topic. At work, lots of my staff think I am tough woman, some said I were scary,... They just don't know that I am a cry baby in fact... a serious NO NO thing for a lawyer.

At least I have a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) now. And it well-suited me. Apart from rigid, high demands, performance-based (which I don't really enjoy performing) life as a Music student, Arts School allow me to play around with whatever I like. I love learning languages; I major and minor in Japanese and Chinese, I enjoy learning facts and playing with words.. Arts subjects are all about reading, writing essays and research. Although I can't argue verbally, at least I could write during assignments. And the best moments as Arts Student : Taking down notes during lectures, especially when the lecturer talked a lot, and during history and Art EXAMS = the happiest hours of my life as a student!

The point is, my emo. side is pretty strong. And.. you hardly find this kind of law student.. Well, maybe, if I had very high IQ, objective and Strong and Stable emotions, I might be studying law during my academic years already. And most probably, I won't be who I am today if I pursued that path of life. As for the present, I am happy with who I am, satisfied with my current jobs, especially in the hospitality field, grateful for family and friends that I have. Yes, life has ups and downs and things out of control, but it is the learning process and I have 'FAith' that makes me keep on going with everything. I was proud to say I used to dream of becoming a lawyer, yet not ashamed of the paths that I have chosen today. When it comes to the time of wanting to play around with vocabs and writing a lot... Be thankful to have thing called 'BLOG' today where I could just write nonsense as much as I want without the fear of being penalised or getting a 'FAIL' ^_^

Thank You Winishe

5th Oct - Winishe jie will be going back this December so she bought my 24th Bday Pressie in advance. So sweet. I love the French words : Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimance ( trans: Mon-Sun ). Merci ^^

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Lesson to Remember

This afternoon, I went to my usual workplace to make sure everything is okay, and .. I found out things in a mess, out of control. As a helper, I understood my stand, and didn't voice out any compliments. Well, you just have to cooperate with one another, no matter how many disagreements you have with one another. But, in the end, I was the one who were asked to leave...

It was the first time someone chased me away for helping, and it happened in my own territory..
No doubt, I felt sad, and I cried...However, whatever happened adds experience that is worth gaining.

2 hours later, to my utter surprise, my colleague gave me a call to meet up. Thus, I went and we had a talk. We listened to each other's point of view about what had taken place...And the outcome is..., I learnt to comprehend what was actually going on from another's point of view and the good thing is, both of us could face each other and courageously forgave one another. Today has become a very valuable lesson, worth remembering.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Your EQ score is 147.
You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.You are warm and open. Even when life gets you down, you're unafraid of the world and its challenges.You are comfortable with who you are. And you accept your weaknesses - as well as the weaknesses of others.While you are quite stable, you don't respond perfectly to every bad situation that comes up. But you have enough emotional intelligence to know when you need a course correction.

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Emotional IQ test. But your Emotional IQ score is much more than just a number: it's an indicator of success. Research has shown that people with high emotional intelligence scores — not necessarily those with the highest IQ scores — tend to be the most valued and productive employees and have the longest and happiest romantic relationships.So, where are you most emotionally smart? Your test results show that your strongest suit is expression — how much you allow yourself to feel and to express your own emotions.


Word Warrior
Your IQ Score is: 117 (High Average)
You are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level. These talents make you a Word Warrior. Whether or not you recognize it, your vocabulary is your strongest suit—use it whenever you can. Since your command of words is so great, you are also a terrific communicator — able to articulate big ideas to just about anyone. Your wordsmithing prowess will also help in artistic and creative pursuits. The power of words translates to fresh ideas off paper too. Since you have so many words at your disposal, you are in a unique position to describe things in an original way, as well as see the future in your mind's eye. In short, your strengths allow you to be a visionary — able to extrapolate and come up with a multitude of fresh ideas. And you are in good company — bask in the brilliance of Word Warriors who have walked before you. William Shakespeare let loose the power of his pen. His ability to articulate the most subtle nuances of human nature and to create colorful characters are why his stories still have a major impact — even 400 years after he first wrote them. Whether you put pen to paper or use your understanding of the words around you to come up with creative approaches to problems, your potential as a Word Warrior is terrific.

For Standard Scores the average is 100, with 90 to 110 often considered the average range.

My Personality

You Are An ISTJ
The Duty Fulfiller

You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.
You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knitting.
Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
You are conservative and down-to-earth. You hardly ever do anything crazy.

In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed.
For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.

At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility.
You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pretty Blue Sky

Last Sunday, my friend brought me to a park so that we could rest and enjoy the nature. Well, it's kind of new experience for me; to lay down on the soft grass with eyes gazing at the sky. Believe me, it's such a good feeling and kind of good way to relief stress. i will try it again when i have the chance. Thx u so much 'K....', though only know you for about a week, you have taught me heaps and have been wonderful companion =p

Thursday, September 25, 2008


another cut.. another scar. sigh..sometimes it just happen, due to high demand of serving lately ..and most of the time, it is always the same spot..however, my boss once told me that, "the more cut you have the better you will become." seems like the wound itself has better natural design than my previous cuts. cool ?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Solitary Mood

a man alone, engaging himself into the activity of creating sound,

playing the grand piano in the middle, the focal point of the image.
perhaps, the melody of melancholy or the expression of the so-called nonchalant.
surrounded by the dark brown wall, suggesting a world of darkness.
at the same time, the source of light illuminates the player, emphasising the solitude.

By: Jess Teo


My fav. sport ; my new companion: Yonex NC TUFF 9 light.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

BOA - Winter Love

冬の妖精たちが輝き 舞い降りてくる
何もすることないから 笑顔の写真 くちづけた
約束した映画の長い列に 二人してもう 並ぶことはないの?
だけど 心は そばにいるから
友達にも miss you もう二度と 戻れない

あなたが 好きで 会いたくて
キスが 百億の 雪を 伝うの
どこかで 偶然に 巡り 会える日まで
忘れなくても baby 好きでも いいですか?
ずっと 忘れない…

たった 一人ぼっちの 自分に 気づいた 瞬間
本当の 寂しさがね 溢れては また 込み上げる
人を愛す そんな想いを 今
大切だって 忘れないって 思う
この アドレスを 何度 かえても
その 声も 夢も 私を 離れないの
時が 流れて 違う 恋しても
出會えた 運命が 交わした ぬくもりが
「あなたで良かった」って 心から言えるよ
いつか 逢えるまで …

未來は can't stop やって来る
悲しいほど はやく forever
幸せだって 傷付いたって
誰かを 愛する 時 just alive
あなたが 好きで 会いたくて
キスが百億の雪を つたうの
どこかで偶然に巡り 会える日まで
忘れなくても baby 好きでもいいですか?
ずっと 忘れない…

English Translation:

As shining winter fairies come floating down
I kissed your smiling picture because I had nothing else to do
At that long line outside of the movies, we vowed
To never stand in line here together again
But since my heart is next to yours
I still miss you even as a friend
But I can't turn back ever again

I love you, I want to see you again
With a kiss, expressed alongside ten billion snowflakes
Until the day that we happen to cross paths someplace
Baby, even if you forget me
Is it okay for me to still love you?
I'll never forget you

Since the moment that I was alone,
I've realised what true loneliness is
These overwhelming feelings in my heart that won't stop flowing out
Now, the way to love a person
Is so important that I think a person shouldn't forget it
No matter how many times my address changes
I'll never let go of that voice or that dream

Even if you love someone else as time flows by
I'll still remember you
Our destined meeting and the warmth we shared
I'm glad that it was you, and I can say it from my heart
Until we meet someday again

We can't stop the future from coming
The feeling of sadness can quickly become forever
Even if I get wounded when I'm happy
When I've fallen in love with a someone
Just alive

I love you, I want to see you again
With a kiss, expressed alongside ten billion snowflakes
Until the day that we happen to cross paths someplace
Baby, even if you forget me
Is it okay for me to still love you?
I'll never forget you

~ one of my fav. songs ~ perfect for 2008 winter theme song ~

Saturday, September 13, 2008


it's been a month, as I have precisely counted. Throughout, I have gained many new perspectives towards life, getting more mature and stronger as day goes by. Currently, trust is impartial, honesty is crucial, moments are precious, love never fails and hope is everlasting. Life is a gift and whatever happens, I believe it happens for a reason. Everything that have happened, everything that I have now,  I give thanks and it is good.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:30

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Il Mare (시월애)

A good companion for solitary moment at home, I watched this movie and has come to the conclusion that, I like it. Simple, soft, patience, and dreamy, the title, Il Mare, means 'The Sea' in Italian, and is the name of the seaside house which is the setting of the story. The Korean title, siworae is the Korean pronunciation of Hanja "時越愛," meaning "time-transcending love." Starring Jun Ji-hyun and Lee Jung-Jae, the story features two distinct timelines intertwined throughout the drama, with the only means of communication through a mysterious post box. I have watched the American version, The Lake House two years ago. Though the modern remade depicts better graphic, more beautiful setting and other advances, the original one is more inspiring, somehow. A story full of waiting and trust, with the time as the most important aspects between the protagonists' life. One of the most deep love stories that worth remembering, almost equal to my favorite movie, Turn Left, Turn Right ( 向左走·向右走)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Grateful to know the reality in a hard way, I have no regrets.
Though still feeling blue, the truth has set me free.
A new dimension of understanding has come.
That, it is an honour to know the hidden things.
Whatever it is entrusted, I will keep it.
Moment full of memories will always be my treasures.
Accepting the facts as what they are, I am standing strong.
Remember it is nobody's fault. Don't blame yourself for that.
I understand and never look down upon. I have forgiven.
Support and cares will always be provided.
No matter what, my heart remains the same.

By: Jess Teo

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

untitled 2

one and half a month has gone by. gradually i have learned to understand what ought to be done.. most important keys for me; patience and sincerity. there are respectable words and opinions around, however i still need wisdom and good judgement. some might think i am a fool ..but well, i know what i am doing. i know where i am heading and i have prepared to take risks for the consequences. it is not easy to comprehend. not everyone could have the heart to share the burden. and not many could understand what i am going through. but i will be strong, preservere and hope for the best. i dont want to repeat my mistakes in the past anymore.

knife and blood

the result of lack of concentration or 'zero focus' while slicing.. tomato.. using my own knife.
at 6th august 2008.. which turned out to be not a very good day for me..

Saturday, August 2, 2008

the blue ribbon gift

may things become better for the coming year.
wishing for the best, filled with merriment.
whatever I want, is to see a smile on a face.
happy birthday...

Noir et Blanc

2nd of August,

a morning spent for reading, accompanied by a cup of tea.
an afternoon filled with words & laughters with a sister friend.
an evening for solitary mood. Time for personal self & relaxation.

July swiftly past.. a month full of patience and learning.
Grateful for the present, coming back to myself.
Efforts have been undertaken.. so far it is the best.
Noir et blanc, certainly it will be unlocked.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hello Owen !

My first time looking at baby Owen, one week old, the first child of my cousins; Edwyn & Shalyn.
Looking at how cute he is, I wonder what will he become one day. Surely he will be a very successful man in the future, making his parents proud and smile. Besides, listening to Shalyn's life experience during the time of labour has taught me another life perspective. It is a very painful moment for her, but the end result is worthy. I am glad to see her well and happy now. A mother's love is noble, strong and unselfish, indeed. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


it's near the end of July now that I realise many things have happened...  Sometimes things change and sometimes things just turn up naturally. I discover more about myself that I never thought about before. It was a very confusing process at first; not knowing what to do, and not knowing how to control. I couldn't help it but just keep thinking about it. Even tears flow sometimes. During the first two weeks, my behaviour somehow impacted people around me and I knew that I shouldn't. However, I feel blessed that they are always patient, always being there and supportive of me. Gradually, I am more stable now. And still learning how I should keep going. I know I have to be stronger, since my soft spot keeps coming out at times. 

I was a fool not to realise it long time ago. I regretted when I used to take things for granted. When I have a chance one day, I would say sorry for hurting, for disappointing... I am grateful that I have a 2nd chance. I only wish for happiness.. wish for the very best, but not for my own personal gain. I  felt helpless sometimes for not knowing what to do or say, an ironic side of me. What I truly know is.....I just want to see a smile on a face......

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yellow & Purple

For me, Yellow colour is easy to see, simple and relaxing. You don't have to be challenged to look at it as red does. Yellow symbolizes wisdom. Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Moreover, Yellow roses symbolize friendship and freedom. They are the rose of familiar love and domestic happiness.
Personally, Yellow is one of my least favorittes of colour. Looking at this picture, I prefer the purple background. Purple has been used to symbolize mystery, as well as royalty. Purple is the colour most favored by artists. It is a colour of elegence and grandeur. Wish I could get a purple rose one day..

Friday, July 4, 2008

sashi don

my latest fish.. still not up to perfection.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

abstract analysis

"What do you think of the picture?" someone asked me..

Well, in my point of view; the first thing that attracts me to this painting is the striking red stroke that forms a shape which dominate the canvas at the centre. It seems like a gate, reminding me of the rigid red gate in the Shinto shrine. Some may view it as a sun, as respected.
The greenish spots with a hint of blue in the background are tree leaves,  concealing some branches , evidenced by the bark of yellowish-brown tree, though partially visible. Another possible reason to support this, is the painting of two bird figures at the corner, top right. The rather, greenish blue figures at the buttom half, left hand side, might be another bird as well. The luminous blue on the buttom right is rather unclear, but it might represents certain plant. The rather black shadow underneath the red gate, might be a hole, a cave or a tunnel. This is the focal point of the painting. Moreover, the horizontal lines against the vertical, first, depicts a brick wall in the back.. then the rest, symbolises tension, mystery and prison. To analyze this, the overall picture seems to portray a world full of complexity (the lines, the uneven colours) and it gets deeper towards the black shadow spot (darkness, hopelessness, secret), beneath the red gate (outer appearance) that seems bold, daring and aggresive. In the foreground, the blue and the green (nature, tranquality) depict the outermost appearance of beauty and light. Thus, from foreground, midground, to background : light to dark, extrovert to introvert, good to bad, strong to weak. The horizontal and vertical lines might just be symbolising confusion within and the perplexity of the world within the painting. Lastly, the black figure could also represents a human being, the self; trapped inside the world of utmost confusion, hidden by the nature and skies, underneath the sun. The gate could aslo be a warning sign. Beside, the slightly light blue figure, connected to the yellowish stroke seems to be somekind of creature, a dragon.. the point is....a picture speaks a thousand word =p

Sunday, June 29, 2008

my day off

After 21 days of ceaseless working days from Mon-Sun (both at don3 & IBA), finally I am granted a day-off. During these 21 days, needless to say, it is my own choice to work non-stop. Why ? maybe it was driven by a desire to get myself occupied, or I was tired of boredom when having too much free time. Whatever it was, no doubt, income flows like water daily, but I have sacrificed lots of private time, resulting in a week of bad temper during work, unnecessary impatient, cranky mood, fatigue and the worst thing: having caught myself in a cold.. name it, flu. Therefore, aside from my going for service in a morning, I arrived home at around 12pm today and stayed at home until this very moment. A reason for recovery had triggered me to ask for replacement both from ministry and work today but..well, I have made a right choice. It has been so long since the last time I enjoyed this solitary private moment for hours. I have finished my choir arrangment script that I should have done last week, I had time for visitors and home dvd, and most enjoyable of all; a time of peace in front of my desk, accompanied by music in a background and a warm spotlight. Afterwards, i am looking forward for a good night sleep.. not to mention that I had a very nostalgic dream the night before.. Missing someone....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


The caricature; Don3 Staff - Totoro Kingdom. The usage of iconography represents personnel of Don3 and some other key members.


Noir et blanc (Black & White) ; self-portrait.


Photographs: Fed Square & Max Brenner

Sunday, May 18, 2008


shopping for don3 with my two managers at IKEA ; pretty rare and unusual, yet fun =p

My latest hobby

a new art form to learn; my current motivator.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The moment I stepped into this room, the inspiration to capture it came naturally to my mind. The bright light, luminating the contrasting black & white flooring blends well with the elegant windows in white, depicting the night scenery in the background. In the foreground, stands a beautifully designed glass table; accompanies with a European style chair and decorated with a vas of pristine white flowers. Being donned in a lovely blue dress, it harmonizes well with the colour of the night blue sky. This picture reflects my love for royal blue colour, my own personal way of viewing, and represents the idealistic side of me. 

Family Outing

Pictures of family and relatives taken on a rare occasion of warm gathering, alongside Mornington Peninsula beach.

A Memorable Wedding Dinner

Saturday, 3rd May 08.

My cousin's, Peggy's wedding was celebrated at Summerfileds Country House, Bittern which place is fantastically beautiful, romantic and elegant. Once arrived, the guests were ushered into a comfotably decorated living room, as a rendevous accompanied by various drinks. The dinner was presented in banquet style; a candlelights in a middle of each round table complete with sets of cutlary appropriate for fine dining. I had a hearty dish of chicken breast with a homey flavour and delicious sticky date pudding for the dessert. The wedding atmosphere was pleasant and many couples enjoyed the night dancing with the love ones. The night was celebrated with merriment.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Nature - The Connection

N.B. - East Gippsland Trip (25-27 April 08)