Friday, May 29, 2009

An Unforgettable Weird moment...

I was carrying a big pot of curry .. larger than my upper body from shoulder to waist, and it's around 2/3 full of curry... then As i was walking.. all of a sudden, I almost fell down., being banged into the cashier table.. Because I got tipped from someone's big and bulky laptop bag.. And I could feel the whole pot being slanted about 45 Degree.. and I could hear my boss SHOUTED ; Aaaa!!!......

Imagine, what if I fell on the floor and the curry dropped all over the floor..My working place is very Small.. and If I fell that time.. I would knocked myself to the cashier table.. the whole curry pot would dropped and CURRY SAUCE would be EVERYWHERE>> including the cashier area.

Few months back.. my manager was carrying 2 pot of rice and.. he got tipped by the same stupid bag. The result: He banged himself into the cashier table.. and the two rice pot .. Dropped to the floor.. (luckily they were covered and since the rice was sticked firmly to the pot.. they were ok).

Compared to my case.. I was carrying LIQUID.. and it was HEAvy.. So.. By Logic. It should had Dropped or at least some of the curry would splashed.. ... and.. my boss will have my head chop. (means : being shouted .. I couldn't imagine..)

Surprisingly.. nothing happen.

It made me wondered.. where did I got the strength to hang on to the pot ? How come I didn't tipped ? I really fell myself being thrown to the cashier table carrying the heavy pot.. but I was saved...was it me? was it my imagination? was it a coincidence ? I was amazed.... or...... .. this thought just came to my mind at that time.....was it because... an angle saved me ?

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Jika kamu memancing ikan.....Setelah ikan itu terikat di mata kail, hendaklah kamu mengambil Ikanitu.....Janganlah sesekali kamu lepaskan ia semula ke dalam air begitu saja....Karena ia akan sakit oleh karena bisanya ketajaman mata kailmu dan mungkin ia akan menderita selagi ia masih hidup.Begitulah juga setelah kamu memberi banyak pengharapan kepada seseorang... .Setelah ia mulai menyayangimu hendaklah kamu menjaga hatinya.....Janganlah sesekali kamu meninggalkannya begitu saja......Karena ia akan terluka oleh kenangan bersamamu dan mungkin tidak dapat melupakan segalanya selagi dia mengingat... .Jika kamu menadah air biarlah berpada, jangan terlalu mengharap pada takungannya dan janganlah menganggap ia begitu teguh......cukuplah sekadar keperluanmu. ......Apabila sekali ia retak tentu sukar untuk kamu menambalnya semula......Akhirnya ia dibuang..... .Sedangkan jika kamu coba memperbaikinya mungkin ia masih dapat dipergunakan lagi.....Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang, terimalah seadanya.... .Janganlah kamu terlalu mengaguminya dan janganlah kamu menganggapnya Begitu istimewa.... .Anggaplah ia manusia biasa.Apabila sekali ia melakukan kesilapan bukan mudah bagi kamu untuk menerimanya. Akhirnya kamu kecewa dan meninggalkannya.Sedangkan jika kamu memaafkannya boleh jadi hubungan kamu akan terus Hingga ke akhirnya.... .Jika kamu telah memiliki sepinggan nasi yang pasti baik untuk dirimu.Mengenyangkan. Berkhasiat. Mengapa kamu berlengah, coba mencari makanan yang lain....Terlalu ingin mengejar kelezatan. Kelak, nasi itu akan basi dan kamu tidak boleh memakannya. kamu akan menyesal.Begitu juga jika kamu telah bertemu dengan seorang insan yang membawa kebaikan kepada dirimu. Menyayangimu. Mengasihimu. Mengapa kamu berlengah,coba bandingkannya dengan yang lain. Terlalu mengejar kesempurnaan. Kelak,kamu akan kehilangannya; apabila dia menjadi milik orang Lain kamu juga akan menyesal.
(By : Anonymous)

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Touching Gift

Who would ever know who would ever expect that, you would get a sudden delivery out of the blue. Seems like no one would ever send me flower during this time. I don't have anyone that close and there isn't any occasion or special event around some more. When I received this news from my boss, I wondered ... At the moment I picked up the flower and opened the card to read , my tears just flowed..

Such a gentle message, such a simple lines. Yet, it is so deep. I never expect the giver to understand the pain so well what I am going through without me telling. Even though, I never even show it every time we met. However, since there were times when I really wanted to go far far away and disappear, knowing from the message that.. I still have people around who really want me to be happy, knowing that I still have people around who still love me.. it really comfort me. I will always remember the giver's care and never forget.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Day-Off and... my best guy friend

I can't remember when was the last time I had a weekday off. Well, today I had one and it was good. I could wake up at 9 instead of the usual 7.. then head of to the city for medical check up. Unfortunately, I had fasted too long and the nurse refused to take my blood. Sigh, I was very hungry at that time, but nothing I could do. So, I have to come again next Wednesday morning. Followed by this, I went for reading accompanied by my fav. mocha at Starbuck and waited for my friend. We went for lunch, then window shopping at many places along Collins, Myer & David Jones.

At Tiffany & Co., I saw one very nice necklace, but I will not buy it. It's against my principle to buy myself a necklace. Haha. I like necklace but the thing is, I don't need necklace now. What I really need now is a keychain. The last one that I had was a gift from a friend, but it's time to change it. I have been looking around for a very long time, but I never find it. Thus I give up looking for a suitable one. Hope that one day I will have it. Perhaps, if I had one close friend who were willing to buy one for me, it would be great. Jk.

The day continued on when my close friend, Mikha met up with me (Such an irony that the night before I just missed hanging out with him). We went for nice French coffee & cake, walked around city and chit-chat, then went to inspect some nice cars. Afterward, we went home, gathered with other friends then attended staff's farewell dinner at night. One thing I could say is: thanks a lot for the genuine company. Really grateful for the pleasant quality time, meant a lot for me, and that's what I need so much for now..

Friday, March 13, 2009


' Dare I miss You ? ' - a friend of mine really have no idea how much this sentence comforted me. Yes we are like 500 miles apart, but guess what, a true genuine email from a far-distance close friend really felt good. Thanks to you, pal, for giving me this inspiration to write blog again since you said 'Whenever I had short breaks, I'd go and check out ur blog, but u havent added anything recently.' I wonder how come there is still human who check on my blog so faithfully.

The reason why I haven't write for a more than a month is.. yeah.. many reasons. Lack of motivation, no mood, no idea on what I should write or the extreme : too many inside myself that I had no inkling at all of what I should share here. Trust me, I had like paragraphs and paragraphs of words flowing unceasingly on my mind sometimes when I couldn't sleep at night.. but I decided not to write straight away that time due to the content within ; not very nice stuff to write. Meaning : all mean and harsh. Better write it now, than that time. Wise move.

I am fine. I am good. Many people ask how I am recently. Might as well write it here. Most of the time I am happy spending time alone in the city after work and enjoy solitary time in my bedroom when the whole house turns still, when everyone is sleeping. That's the best time to enjoy solitude. Work is fine too, stable, content, better than a year before, building up myself to be 'more patient' presumably... whatever... but at least become things that I still look forward to do day after day. Still, I avoid groups.. Unless I have a very comfy feeling about it, I would go.. other than that.. nah.. not a time for big happy gathering. Except for social obligation...

Is not that I am trying to be anti-social or whatever.. Just.. don't want to affect ppl around me. Believe it or not. And....When thing clicks, it just happens. If not, just forget about it and say good-bye. Never invest too much, never too deep; the new motto.

Life feels like 'living on the stage.' You go to work, you act decently, follow the rules and obligations, get along with people for the sake of organisation's diplomacy. You go home, you play your part as you should be, you be in whatever social situation, then you adjust the role and play along too.

Sometimes, nostalgia hits me like never before too.. Miss my hometown.. miss the friends and the groups I used to feel belong to .. Recently chat with my relative, and he said he might be coming here.. 'please do so, bro.' Miss my good friends who have gone back for good... I even miss my friend nearby, like my 'bro'.. miss talking to him sometimes. Just that it's not that necessary. Have to consider how busy he is with his uni, assignment, work, friends, gf, etc.... What the.. why am I so emo.. Think too much ? Yeah, I am a true genuine melancholic. Sounds like I am so deprieved of something here? haha.. Yeah. It is so damn painful to lost a friend. That's why it made me think back of my old lost close pals..Why not being defensive? Nah, what's the use ? Whatever words spoken will never change the situation. Action speaks louder than words.

People say, you won't notice or miss how important something is until it's gone, until you have lost it. Yeah.. it's very true. No objection. But is a good thing to have, so we can move on and 'grow'. My good friend said, 'whoever can not move on is a loser.' No objection. No matter how life is going to be, I never ever let myself be crushed down by whatever situation. Play cool man. That's the word. Is not the first time anyway, just another level to go through.

In the past, adapting to changes was easier. Plus my ego and head-strong within. When I cut off myself from something, I will never go back. That's it. End of story. But sometimes, it is really hard. Especially when you have things to say, but unable to say it out. And it bottles up inside slowly slowly... then it is just a matter of times when it .. haha. Hope it doesn't happen. To be honest, yeah. I thought about many things especially a month ago. Like..'thousand of why' in my head, leading towards.. blaming myself.. Things like 'everything 's my fault' or things like ' what if i disappear from this world? One day I will die anyway, Life doesn't matter right?' Haha.. Dead serious. No joke here.

It's like having this battle inside you. And if you were weak, adios, pal. I sort of understand why people get depressed and jump off the building. But nah.. that period had been conquered. No worries. At least I have things to inspire me in life. Switching my focus towards other things. Easy easy. A girl came to me and commented very positive remarks towards me. I was like, 'i did not deserve it.' There is this dark ugly side of me still. But Thanks anyway. Even some admire how strong I am ? Am i that strong ? not really, it's all by Grace, to be honest.

No dramas.. though seems like everything is so dramatic. No drama for me means being genuine, no pretending, no made-up stuff.. And.. this is just a blog. It Is where you just type whatever is on your mind. Not asking for sympathy, advice, or pity here. So my dear fellow readers, no need to take it seriously. Just a one time mood to write and here I am, writing this long passages with just a 'Flow' with no clear main topics, which would be failed by the lecturer. Hahahha. If you don't understand what I am writing, let it be. Because, I myself don't really know what I am writing about. Will play with words again when I have the inspiration kicking in. Cheers !

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Revolutionary Road

Adapted from the revealing novel by Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road is an Academy Award-nominated and Golden Globe Award-winning 2008 British-American drama film directed by Sam Mendes and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. 

Set in 1955, the film incisively portrays the disintegration of a relationship amongst the hopes and aspirations of Frank and April Wheeler, self-assured Connecticut suburbanites who see themselves as very different from their neighbours in the Revolutionary Hill Estates. Despite the depiction of the norm life of the suburban area which speaks strongly about the monotony of everyday existence, the film is lavishly dark. It is about the desperate struggles to find happiness in life which leads to entrapment and tragedy. 

From the start, I think the film has successfully proclaimed that, it is not an easy movie to watch. It isn’t the kind of movie that everyone will get or even want to get it. A respectable movie comment indicated that ‘this movie will tear out the heart of the people that have been in a relationship that has gone sour and were powerless to stop it,’ which I agree.

Also, the scene that carefully shown; all the men wearing almost in uniform with the hat and the fashion of that time is unforgettable, as it speaks strongly of the lifeless, the boredom and the hopelessness of no-alternative sort of life. Though it was seem as a family movie at first, with the fact that the protagonists have two children, it is a kind of irony that the children are almost seen as disappear in the scene. Unless you are prepared for a serious movie, this isn’t the type of film where you will be laughing or crying. Overall the movie is undeniably good, despite all the tension and perhaps, hints of depression in it.


Saturday, January 24, 2009


I used to be someone with big dreams
someone who knows what she wants
someone with the enthusiasm to do it all
pursuing always, no matter what..
seems like the dreams are all so far away 
seems like many doors are so hard to reach
however it is not the end,
as there is another world within the world we know.

our lives are defined by opportunities
even the ones we miss
yet there is always a new pleasing journey
as long as there’s a willing heart to find
there is a sure beauty within..

therefore, a new road I shall find
as long as I live, I will always learn
to treasure, to cherish, and to appreciate
and truly enjoy all those that I have for now.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' (drama film) 2008

The 2nd movie which I watched by myself and left without any regret. Probably one of the best movies that I have ever watched. It is indeed, special.

From the start, the well-usage of flashback captured my attention. I love the level of art direction, particularly scenes in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, that contains high level of details. Also, the presentation of historic scenes made me felt as if I were watching old movies. Moreover, I personally love the hints of art culture; Chopin’s Polonaise piano scene and the glamour and life of ballet dancers. Amongst those, the scenes of the sunrise and the silhouette dance left very strong impression.

The movie reminds me of how the facts of life are unavoidable, however, it values the time that each human temporarily has in this temporary world. At the same time, it also proclaim about how love transcends over time and conditions. It never fails. To sum up, it is a movie that allows me to smile, a movie that allows me to cry. It will be a movie that I will never forget.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Great Debaters

"An unjust law is no law at all" ~ Augustine of Hippo (354-430).

Based on an article written about the Wiley College debate team by Tony Scherman for the 1997 Spring issue of American Legacy, “The Great Debaters” is the second film directed by Denzel Washington and produced by Oprah Winfrey’s company, Harpo Productions.

The film, based on the true story, chronicles the effort of the notable poet, social activist and educator Melvin B. Tolson (Washington), a volatile debate coach who uses his eloquence to shape a group of students from a modest black college in East Texas into an elite debate team with an equal footing with whites in the American South. Eventually, the Wiley team succeeds to the point of receiving the invitation to debate Harvard University’s championship team, where the issue of: Nonviolent civil disobedience versus the rule of law was vividly debated.

The movie also explores the social milieu of Texas during the Great Depression including not only the day-to-day insults and slights African American endured, but also a lynching. Segregation, prejudice, and racial discrimination are the major themes in the film, as well as the heights of the fight for the freedom rights. According to the New York Times movie review, “Its steadfast humanity, its literacy, its passionate belief in education, its faith that history teaches invaluable lessons and it’s strong, emotionally grounded performances: There are enough things to admire about The Great Debaters.” (Leading the Charge to Inspire the Underdogs, Stephen Holden, NY Times, December 25, 2007)

Engaging from the start, with many clever words usage and strong historical themes portrayed in the movie, it is movie not meant to entertain, but a movie where it draws the viewers to comprehend the reality and to inspire those who ‘do what they have to do in order to do what they want to do.’
