Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Great Debaters

"An unjust law is no law at all" ~ Augustine of Hippo (354-430).

Based on an article written about the Wiley College debate team by Tony Scherman for the 1997 Spring issue of American Legacy, “The Great Debaters” is the second film directed by Denzel Washington and produced by Oprah Winfrey’s company, Harpo Productions.

The film, based on the true story, chronicles the effort of the notable poet, social activist and educator Melvin B. Tolson (Washington), a volatile debate coach who uses his eloquence to shape a group of students from a modest black college in East Texas into an elite debate team with an equal footing with whites in the American South. Eventually, the Wiley team succeeds to the point of receiving the invitation to debate Harvard University’s championship team, where the issue of: Nonviolent civil disobedience versus the rule of law was vividly debated.

The movie also explores the social milieu of Texas during the Great Depression including not only the day-to-day insults and slights African American endured, but also a lynching. Segregation, prejudice, and racial discrimination are the major themes in the film, as well as the heights of the fight for the freedom rights. According to the New York Times movie review, “Its steadfast humanity, its literacy, its passionate belief in education, its faith that history teaches invaluable lessons and it’s strong, emotionally grounded performances: There are enough things to admire about The Great Debaters.” (Leading the Charge to Inspire the Underdogs, Stephen Holden, NY Times, December 25, 2007)

Engaging from the start, with many clever words usage and strong historical themes portrayed in the movie, it is movie not meant to entertain, but a movie where it draws the viewers to comprehend the reality and to inspire those who ‘do what they have to do in order to do what they want to do.’


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