Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Painful Sight of the most Fundamental Moral Issue.

It always hurts when we see how the younger generation group treat their seniors or older generation with disrespect. I know this is something that is unavoidable since the world is changing; everyone has their own free right, education teaches kids to raise questions, and media is full with too much immoral teachings...Yeah... moral is degrading, what has this world changing to be ?

In the past, older people are highly regarded. When they say 'Do it', you 'Do it.' When they say 'NO', you should obey. No question asked. They are older. They deserve more respect and there's no objection in this. Yet, in this so called post-modern world where everything is relative, I see kids screaming at their parents, younger people shouted back and argued with their older people with not a slight of fear. I see weird attitudes, selfish behavior, and 'I don't need you to Control me' that sort of body languages...or many more things that I don't want to mention here as they are Too Much !

It is very sad... And i think everyone should be aware of this issue.
And.. again,

It hurts, when I see how the young treats the elderly, especially when you see it with your own eyes.

I know both parties have faults. We are all selfish human are we ?But, there is so called things called ' Conscious', 'Emotion' , 'Feelings, ' Etiquette' and 'Love'. Can't we feel the hurt when others are hurt ? Can't we feel sad when others are sad ? I am not talking about empathy. I am talking about the supposedly accepted things and morality, which, nowadays, it is changing...

And if this generation never learn, how about the next generation ? and the next after ?


Nothing else could help, other than Faith, Love and Hope....

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